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National defense is the federal government’s most important responsibility. We must ensure that America’s military remains the greatest force in the world. The United States Constitution gives Congress, not the President, the power to declare war. I will fight any attempt by the President to go outside the bounds of his or her Constitutional authority. While providing the most advanced technology to our military, we must always seek to protect civil liberties. I strongly oppose the Patriot Act and will fight to stop the mass surveillance of American citizens, which violates our 4th Amendment rights. I will fight for a strong national defense, protect civil liberties, and ensure that we honor our commitments to our veterans who have served our nation.

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Free and fair elections are the very foundation of our constitutional republic. Unfortunately, they’re under attack like never before from Democrats, social media oligarchs, the mainstream media and left wing radicals who seek to hijack this country and destroy it from within. Illegal immigrants voting, ballot counting without oversight, drop boxes with no chain of custody, mail in ballot fraud and illegal changes to state election laws must end now. These intential acts of fraud have undermined Americans’ faith in our elections. We must fix it and fit it now. I am a strong supporter of Voter ID laws and will encourage and support all legislative action to secure free and fair elections.

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I firmly believe that our country’s 27 trillion dollar debt represents a serious threat to our national security. The speed at which career politicians, in both political parties, have driven up our national debt is staggering. I will fight to drastically reduce our nation’s debt by opposing the destructive habit of raising the debt ceiling to accommodate politicians in Washington who don’t have enough backbone to make tough choices and live within our means.

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The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Period. Restricting the gun rights of law abiding Americans is unacceptable and dangerous. Guns save lives, but radical leftists are determined to eliminate our Constitutional right to arm ourselves. The right to bears arms is the greatest protection we have against violations of our liberties.I will work tirelessly to defend the Second Amendment, just as I will defend the entire Bill of Rights.

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I oppose amnesty in all forms. Over the last four decades, the United States has experienced the largest influx of illegal immigration in our country’s history, constituting a clear threat to our national security and economic well-being. The United States is a nation of laws and we must once again begin to enforce existing immigration laws while securing our borders immediately. We must remove the magnets which incentivize illegal immigration. Law abiding American taxpayers should not be forced to pay for welfare, medical care, and other expenses for those who break our laws.

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Educational decisions should be made by parents, not bureaucrats in Washington. While the federal government’s control over education has increased, test scores and academic performance has dropped. Destructive programs such as Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and Race to the Top serve as a reminder that the government’s involvement is less about education and more about control. I believe in a parent’s right to determine the best method for education their child. This includes the right to homeschool. In addition to fighting for educational choices for parents, I will also work to remove the fiscal and moral hazard of a government controlled student loan program by returning the loan program to the private sector with necessary reforms.

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The right to life is the foundation of our God-given natural rights. It is the government’s role to protect the lives of unborn children. Life begins at conception. It is immoral for our government to permit the taking of life from the most innocent and defenseless among us. Without the right to life there is no liberty, and without liberty there is no pursuit of happiness. I will always fight to protect the sanctity of life by supporting any legislation that would end abortion or move America closer to a permanent end to abortion. I will always stand for life.

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I oppose forced shutdowns, school closures and vaccine or mask mandates, this decision should be left to each individual. Shutting down America is a failed policy that has led to enormous costs including the destruction of small businesses. In the early stages of the pandemic, movement should have been restricted only for the most vulnerable- seniors and those with pre-existing conditions. As Senator, I will work to ensure the administrative and public health failures of the last several years will never return to public life.

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Radical leftists who target law enforcement officers, destroy property and threaten Americans’ safety have no place in American society. Groups like ANTIFA should be treated as domestic terror organizations. Those who use violence and destruction of property should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I stand proudly with our law enforcement officers and will always defend the rule of law.

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I oppose the government proposing curriculums that go against our Christian judao principles that founded this nation. Schools need to teach the basics and not indoctrinate our children in far Left ideologies. We need Leaders who seek to unite Americans as brothers and sisters through mutual respect, based on shared values this country was founded on.

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Taxed Enough Already! The tax burden placed on the American people is undermining the American Dream. The American people know how best to spend their hard earned money. President Trump’s tax cut were a step in the right direction. They proved that reducing the tax burden on American producers is one of the best ways to stimulate economic growth and prosperity. Lower taxes give individuals the freedom to decide how best to spend, save, or invest their money, rather than having the government confiscate it, only to give it to large corporations through subsidies and targeted tax breaks. The government must not pick winners and losers. Unlike the Democrats, many Republicans in Congress have worked to lower taxes, however they only pay lip service to reductions in spending. Continuing the status quo of out of control government spending only serves to mortgage our future to fund federal programs we don’t need and cannot afford. I will work tirelessly to significantly reduce spending, eliminate the income tax, simplify the tax code, and bring forth a fairer and flatter tax code

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